The text as it is confirmed by Chhimed Rigdzin Rinpoche:
On Thursday the 6th of July 2000, at the time of enjoying the assembled offerings during the afternoon session of Padmasambhava practice whilst on retreat in Wales, Lama Chhimed Rigdzin summoned Martin Boord and his seven-year-old daughter Tara to the front of the assembly and announced to all those present that the little girl before him was the incarnation of the Shugs-'byung mkha'-'gro. In her last life, born in the area of Yag-shos with the name of bZang-mo, she stayed in the Shugs-'byung retreat house attached to Khordong Monastery in East Tibet. Whilst there she developed powerful insights into the nature of reality and became a highly realized practitioner. Thus she became renowed by the title Shugs-'byung mkha'-'gro and even Rinpoche's own guru, Tulku Tsurlo, would respectfully stand up in her presence. In her present life, to which she was born on 1st June 1993, Tara has received several empowerments from Rinpoche already and has been predicted to full enlightenment. Rinpoche has entrusted the care of her education to her father, a close disciple of Rinpoche's since 1973.
Chhimed Rigdzin Rinpoche