We got the message that unfortunately this year there is no chance that Rinpoche and Khenpo will get back their passports. Further attempts to recived documents may cause that they will be taken permanently. Since neither Rinpoche nor Khenpo will come to Poland this summer, the program of retreats is as follows:
unchanged: 25/07 - 01/08/2019 Phurba drubchen, led by monks from the monastery in Shimla, India.
02/08 - 09/08/2019
Continuation of the XXIII Practice of Butterlamps Offering for world peace.
From the missing PLN 6500 for oil, till now you have donated PLN 5562. Thank you very much. We hope that we will manage to collect the rest - PLN 938.
(payment for the 1 day of the rereat is PLN 30)
10/08 - 16/08/2019
Commemoration of the XVIIth Anniversary of Chhimed Rigdzin Rinpoche’s Paranirvana.
After consulting Rinpoche, we decided that the ceremony would take place, it will be led by European Regent of Chhimed Rigdzin Rinpoche - Gudrun Haberer.
On behalf of Chhimed Gyaltsen Rinpoche, Gudrun and the Khordong Association we invite all students of our Venerable Lama Chhimed Rigdzin Rinpoche, for this special Ceremony!
schedule of the day during this event:
before noon, the practice of Big Rigdzin
in the afternoon the prayers we received from Rinpoche for the celebrations and the practice of Chod, which will be led by Gudrun
17/08 - Big Rigdzin and Chod
18/08/2019 we will finish the retreat with the Big Rigdzin practice.
(payment for one day of the course PLN 40)
Greetings from Darnkow,
Sommerprogramm Darnkow 2019
1. bis 24. Juli
23. Butterlampen-Retreat
Das Butterlampen Gebet ist Zilnon Lingpas (Chhimed Rigdzin Rinpoche) Geistterma. Sein Zweck ist die Reinigung des Geistes aller Wesen und die Aufrechterhaltung des Friedens in der Welt. In Zeiten politischer Spannungen, Kriege und verschiedener Gefahren ist diese Praxis aktueller denn je.
25. Juli – 1. August
Dorje Phurba Drubchen
Ein Drubchen ist eine intensive Gruppenübung, die normalerweise einige Tage dauert. Während dieser Zeit werden ein komplexes Ritual, Meditation und Mantra-Rezitationen durchgeführt. Die Praxis, die in Dropan Ling stattfinden wird, umfasst auch Lamatänze. Es ist Rigdzin Godems Geistschatz und gehört zur Byangter-Tradition.
Das Drubchen wird von erfahrenen Lamas des Klosters Dorje Drak in Indien geleitet.
2. bis 9. August
Belehrungen von Khenpo Tsangyang Nyima
10. bis 16. August
Gedenken an den 17. Jahrestag des Parinirvana von Chhimed Rigdzin Rinpoche.
Die Praxis wird von Chhimed Gyaltsen Rinpoche geleitet. Wir hoffen aufrichtig, dass diese Veranstaltung alle Studenten von C. R. Lama zusammenbringt.
17. bis 22. August
Initiationen und Belehrungen von Chhimed Gyaltsen Rinpoche
Detailierte Informationen zur Anmeldung, Bezahlung, Unterkunft, Essen ect. pp. siehe weiter unten oder auf der polnischen Webseite hier:
Summerprogram Darnkow 2019
1- 24 July
XXIII Practice of the Butter Lamps Offering
The Prayer of Aspiration of the Lamps is Zilnon Lingpa's (Chhimed Rigdzin Rinpoche) mind tercho. Its purpose is a purification of minds of all beings and maintaining peace in the world. Now, in the time of political tension, wars and various dangers this practice is more timely than ever.
25 July - 1 August
Dorje Phurba Drubchen
Drubcho is an intensive group practice, which usually lasts for few days. During that time a complex ritual, meditation and mantra recitation are performed. The practice which will take place in Dropan Ling includes also lama dances. It is Rigdzin Godem's tercho and it belongs to Jangter tradition.
Drubchen will be lead by the senior lamas of Dorje Drak Monastery in India... more
2 - 9 August
Teachings of Khenpo Tsangyang Nyima
10 - 16 August
Commemoration of the XVIIth Anniversary of Chhimed Rigdzin Rinpoche’s Parinirvana.
The practice will be led by Chhimed Gyaltsen Rinpoche. We sincerely hope that this event will bring all C.R. Lama's students together.
17 - 22 August
Initiations and teachings of Chhimed Gyaltsen Rinpoche

Tulku Migme will arrive to Dropan Ling for the Butterlamps Offering retreat.
Tulku Urgyen will come for the commemoration of Chhimed Rigdzin Rinpoche.

Additional info
Registration for the retreats can be made by submitting the Registration Form through the website. Deadline for registration is:
The Butter Lamps Offering practice - by 22 June 2019
Dorje Phurba Drupchen - by 16 July 2019
Chhimed Rigdzin Rinpoche parinirvana anniversary - by 10 July 2019
Khenpo Jamyang Nyima - by 24 July 2019
Chhimed Gyaltsen Rinpoche - by 30 July 2019
Registration email should contain name and surname, expected arrival and departure dates, accommodation and catering options.
Please, keep in mind that it is crucial to register early for the Chhimed Rigdzin Rinpoche anniversary. We need to inform Rinpoche and other sponsors about the number of participants.

- rooms in gompa available only for the Butterlamps Practice
(additional cost - 10 PLN/per day)
- rooms over the dining hall (20 places )
- rooms in the new dormitory over the kitchen (20 places)
- campsite (in own tents)
- outside of the centre
Availability of the rooms depends on the order of submissions. To check availability
of the rooms in gompa, please contact the office of the Centre.
We are not able to guarantee places for those who do not register in advance.
Please bring your sleeping bags, dishes, and cutlery with you.
Vegetarian meals:
- breakfast - 10 PLN
- lunch - 25 PLN
- supper - 10 PLN
There is also an option of half portion for children only (please, mention this in the field "comments").
Please, pay for meals 7 days before your arrival. We are not able to provide meals for those who do not pay in advance.
- prepayment by 26 June 2017 - 10% discount (discount applies to prepaid amount)
- the Association members - 10% discount
- pensioners (with a pension as the only income) - 30% discount
- persons staying outside of the Center - 10 PLN discount /per day
- children up to 15 years old pay 10 PLN /per day
The discounts do not apply to the cost of meals and the Butterlamps Retreat.

How to get there:
There is no direct connection to Darnkow. Busses from Wroclaw stop in Kudowa Zdroj
or Jeleniow, the only options are to take a cab from Kudowa
(Phone: +48 607 816 089 or 887098889), hitch-hike or walk.
Payments for retreats can be made to the bank account:
Związek Buddyjski Khordong
Santander Bank Polska S.A.
al. Jana Pawła II 17, 00-854 Warszawa
nr. konta 78109022130000000142029967
Info about retreats:
Tel. 601 35 77 76 (w godz. 10.00 - 17.00)
e-mail: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!
Those who wish to stay in the blue house nearby (40 PLN per night),
please contact Dagmara on the phone number (+48) 601 234 953.