Message from Chhimed Gyaltsen Rinpoche: Gongpa Zangthal in Darnków in 2018
After many repeated requests, we have got a wonderful news from Chhimed Gyaltsen Rinpoche: next year Rinpoche will bestow transmission of Kunzang Gongpa Zangthal in Dropan Ling. The requirement to get this teaching is to receive from Khenpo Jamyang Nyima all the teachings which he will transmit this year. There are no exceptions from this requirenment, and it also applies to those who have already got Gongpa Zangthal in the past and those who completed ngondro Zer Nga.
Rinpoche announced that all who consider themselves as his students, are obliged to adhere strictly to his instructions regarding Dharma practice.
News via email from Związek Buddyjski Khordong <Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!>
Drophan Ling, Darnków, Poland, 30.06.2017